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Introduction to The Book of Truth

Greetings and Blessings, My Friends I have been working on a Book Project for awhile... Called The Book of Truth... I thought to share the Introduction with You as We look to embrace the New Year...

There is no greater Light than Truth.

So many names, yet I have none. I am A Voice. There is One, We Speak…

There is weight in My Heart, A Light… a sacred burden… Knowing… The Truth!!!

In the Beginning there was Darkness… The Void… not some mythical fairy tale or another once upon a time bedtime story… Just The Great Silence… Silent Eternally…

So few Know the Power of Sound

Creation is A Sound

uttered from within

Depths of Silence

so Profound

Hear It?



Names and Spellings…


Emanations and Patterns and Holograms

Magic is The Wisdom of Nature.

The Hidden is The Wisdom of the Gods.

The realization of Truth

is The Science

of all sciences

So much written… So much devised… So much claimed… All imaginings imagined, problems dreamt up to be solved…

Memes of ideas metaphysical, gift-wrapped opinion adorned in sepia inks and black tuxedo type… crawling populations of words hanging out in phrases… marshaled in arguments from forests of parchments, limbs and leaves… purified as white pages.

Cities comprised of dictionaries and grammars… syntax and idiom and laws in volumes and tomes… ramrod straight avenues of intellect… lining hallowed halls that no one visits anymore.

So many Paths… So many Doors… If you seek, you will find. BE SURE THEN… which is The Path… which the right Door…

Brother Rumi, Divinity infusing his Verse, Told thus… Truth is a Mirror that God prized and held in His Hands. God dropped the Mirror, for Reasons not We are told, and Truth shattered across the Cosmos… and All rushed to grab a piece… Holding each precious Shard aloft… Declaring… “Ah ha, There is The Truth.”

Truth Is… as Creation Is.

Often, I am engaged in discussion, “Tell us then, which is The Path?” To which I always wholeheartedly reply… All Paths that Lead to Light. There is no greater Light than Truth.

Truth always Is, That which Is.

Beaming, Gleaming… Illuminating Triumphant… It is always Here, always There. Immutable, Incontrovertible. The Objective, simple not complex, Objectively, THE.

Truth needs neither claimants nor defenders. Truth shines alight in The Void. Truth is The Flaming Sword. Truth rings with a Sound… You can hear It… You can feel It… Epiphany goose-bumps, a sudden regret, a certain pang, a secret Knowing… A Name… A Sound.

Truth so Everywhere, Truth so Rare.

Yet so few anymore are Seeking… Know this because Truth is rarely these days to be found.

By their Fruits, Ye shall Know them. And as I revisit and as I look around… I behold ignorance and evil and vice, rife… billions beguiled by the mentalities of our best… all whilst Our Children die without ever Becoming. A Birthright not forsaken, just forgotten.

Remember The Covenants that You swore.

There is great tiredness and much suffering in the endless speech of Men. Remember… Language is The Sacred Art. Our World would be a better place if We talked less.

Imagine with Me… the occurrence of A Miracle here on this beautiful precious Earth, Our Home. Imagine if We all stopped in Silence for a minute… just one minute Silent together… as We, each and every in our own way To Remember… That which Is nearer and dearer to All.

And, in that perfect Silence together, may We offer A Prayer…

May we learn to Hear the Voice of Silence,

and in The Great Silence…

May we be Known and Heard.

A small Gift from My Heart for the New Year. Happy New Year!

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