In Last Will of Father’s Testament said And to You I give My pride and joy The Tower Ebony Memories in hand I open tower door labeled Incredulity Wondering Above the stars and skies such Size, such Scope Big bad Universe Makes head spin Quickly I dash Inside Phew, Home Whilst outside Moon she cries alongside Sun’s tears and Gaia weeps sad Yes, most young Are helplessly blind Kicking off boots I settle into comfort’s chair Resting on old laurels Nested smug sightless Declaring gladly I am safe We, Family Built all this Surveying I nod proud Gazing agog Into the mirror of ego Look Behold our works Right and leftwards spreads The hallowed halls Of our flights of fancy Imagination writ large and Rationality gilt-edged Connected by hallways of ignorance Upon which tread Our welcome guests Separation and Identity and their baby, Relativism Hewn staircase of belief rises To the mezzanine of mind and down to below The basement of the senses With its kitchen of passion Churning out dishes of emotion and desserts of fantasy We have arrived Sated and self-satisfied We need no more Let us rest Whilst outside grows and grows Disquiet and unrest As the planets cry And as the Gods tussle The homeless stare MH 14.12.2023
My Thanks to John Fowles for the Inspiration Image: The Dark Tower by NeoStockz at DeviantArt